The Club at Flying Horse Membership Update

March 23, 2020


Adrianna Espinoza
Ashley Bennett
​Kim Sandoval

General Manager, Wendy McHenry Shares an Update with Club Members.

Words cannot describe how grateful we are for all of the encouraging comments, emails, texts and phone calls that we have been receiving from you. This is a challenging time for everyone and your words of encouragement mean so much to us.
During these times it feels as though situations are changing by the second, please understand that we will continually adjust our operation as up to date information is processed by our team. I believe that providing current information is important to our membership, so please take a moment to read further communications from the Club.

When the current snow clears, the golf course and outdoor tennis and pickleball courts will be open for play. Please come out and get some fresh air and sunshine! Normal membership rules apply for these areas. 
Click HERE to view Tennis & Golf Information and HERE to view the Golf Course Aerification Information. 

We began offering a curbside pickup menu at the Clubhouse on Tuesday and appreciate the support from everyone who has taken advantage of the service. This is a new and very different way of doing business for us and we have been working on efficiencies with the operations. We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we “fine tune” things in order to provide a great experience for you. NEW! We are now able to offer curbside beer and wine sales. Please click HERE to view our new Curbside Menu.

At this time, we are utilizing the current closure to get maintenance projects completed and deep clean both the Athletic Club and Clubhouse areas. A few of the projects would have required future closure of specific areas and we are getting them finished now. In addition, our golf course staff is busy getting the course ready for the season. We have been able to offer additional hours to our displaced staff in some of these areas as well.

Many of you have inquired about our dues structure going forward. Dues will continue to be billed normally but the dues increase scheduled for April 1 will be postponed. This plan is necessary for the Club in order to maintain the facility, pay current financial obligations and most importantly be prepared for our reopening. Our main goal is to provide our membership a great place to relax and recreate as soon as possible.

We will continue to keep you informed via email as we work our way through this. You can also reply to this email with specific questions and a member of our team will get back with you as quickly as possible.

Thank you,
Wendy McHenry
General Manager



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