Flying Horse North Real Estate FAQ

October 1, 2017


Adrianna Espinoza
Ashley Bennett
​Kim Sandoval

The following questions and answers are designed to provide a brief understanding of Flying Horse North. As these questions and answers are only summary in nature, you should contact Flying Horse Realty regarding real estate opportunities and The Club at Flying Horse for details about Golf Membership.

Q: Who do I contact for more information about Flying Horse North? 
A: Lot sales are managed by Flying Horse Realty. You may contact a representative by phone at 

Q: What is the typical lot size range?
A: Lots in Flying Horse North range from 2.5 acres to over 5.0 acres.

Q: When will lots become available for purchase?
A: Lot purchases will commence in November of 2017 for those who join our interested party list on or before 10/31/17. Those who join the interested party list on or after 11/1/17 will have the opportunity to purchase a lot in the second release planned for mid-to-late November. Lots will be released to the public in December 2017.

Q: How do I join the interested party list?
A: Joining the list is easy, click here to complete the online registration form. If you prefer to join in person or by phone, please contact Flying Horse Realty at 2409 Flying Horse Club Dr., 80921 or 

Q: How can I tour lots Flying Horse North?
A: We are currently offering guided tours of the property. To schedule a real estate tour contact Flying Horse Realty at 

Q: When will access to Hwy 83 open?
A: The date is to be determined.

Q: If I purchase a lot when should I expect to close?
A: We anticipate the first lot closings to take place in the spring of 2018. This date is based on information known to the developer at the time of this post and subject to change. Please see Flying Horse Realty for contract terms and conditions.

Q: I am interested in purchasing an acreage lot, how do I make my lot preferences known to the developer?
A: Once you’ve toured the community and reviewed the available lot options, we recommend that you join our interested party list. Upon registration a representative of Flying Horse Realty will contact you to discuss potential lot preferences. Your Flying Horse Realty representative will recommend that you complete a “Lot Preference Sheet” outlining your first choices and secondary lot selections.

Q: Do I have to work with specific builders once I purchase a lot or am I free to bring my own builder? 
A: You may purchase a lot and bring your own builder. All parties will be required to adhere to community standards and design guidelines. We also have a list of builders that have proven track records, having built many of the homes you see in the established community of Flying Horse.

Q: What is the average price range for a lot in Flying Horse North?
A: At the time of this post, we anticipate lot prices to range from the low-to-mid $100s to the mid-to-upper $400s. See Flying Horse Realty for current pricing.



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